Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Facebook Fraudsters on the Prowl, Impersonators of Revd Dr Chris Kwakpovwe

Many people will love to associate with this man of God and publisher of Daily Manna devotional, one of the most read devotionals in Nigeria and indeed West Africa. The insights in the interdominational devotional has blessed people's lives with deep insights to the word of God and with instructions that will lead them to the perfect will of the father.

Unfortunately, fraudsters are on the prowl and are set to destroy the good will and race of Revd Father Chris Kwakpovwe. They have created numerous Facebook pages in to to swindle innocent individuals of their money and to tarnish and representation of Jesus Christ. This has greatly disturbed the man of God who has decided to inform all friends, family, colleagues and all lovers of the gospel of Christ to remain suspicious of claims from any Facebook page. (See Facebook pages).

"Earlier on, it was uncovered that Dr. Chris received a text message threatening that he would be blackmailed on the internet if he fails to part with 250million Naira! He was also advised to get in touch and not inform the police. This is coupled with the burglary at their national headquarters and OVER 9 FAKE FACEBOOK ACCOUNTS IMPERSONATING HIM and defrauding innocent people!" read a statement delivered to the press. 

Please beware of request and emergency demands from money from any suspicious Facebook pages.

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